Pentor Finance - English Website/Keywords

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About Us

PENTOR Finance is a Quebec based alternative lender. We offer customized mortgages on residential, semi-commercial and multi-family properties. Mortgages are interest only and are fully collateralized by real estate with typical terms of 6-18 months. PENTOR Finance takes a unique approach towards underwriting, to ensure that every client has an exit strategy in place. We refer to the exit as the “Graduation Strategy”. PENTOR Finance est un prêteuralternatifdesservant le marchéquébécois. Nous offrons des sol

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    4 Avenue King, Suite 300
  • City

  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code

    H9R 4G7

Postal Address

  • City

  • Zip / Postal Code

    H9R 4G7

Profiles nearby Pentor Finance - English Website/Keywords

Streets nearby Pentor Finance - English Website/Keywords

Lucerne Quebec
Mount Pleasant Quebec
Milroy Quebec
Charles Quebec
Montrose Quebec
Godin Quebec
Valois Quebec
Boulevard Des Sources Quebec
Avenue Donegani Quebec
Chester Quebec