Proficient Cleaning Chinatown

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About Us

For a much lower price than you might think, we provide a high quality service that can take care of all of your household chores from cleaning floors and taking out the rubbish to changing the beds and doing the ironing. All you've to do is tell us what you need us to do and how often you want us to come and then you can sit back and relax and leave the rest to us. So give us a call right now to find out more about our skilled domestic cleaners in Chinatown WC2! No matter the reason you chose us, at t

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10:18 AM
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    117 Shaftesbury Avenue
  • City

  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code

    WC2H 8AD

Profiles nearby Proficient Cleaning Chinatown

Streets nearby Proficient Cleaning Chinatown

West Street St Giles
Stacey Street St Giles
Phoenix Street St Giles
Moor Street Chinatown
Earlham Street St Giles
Monmouth Street St Giles
St. Giles Passage St Giles
Tower Street St Giles
Litchfield Street Chinatown
Seven Dials St Giles