Security Pro USA

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About Us

Security PRO USA is a team of former military officers, soldiers, analysts and law enforcement officers, who strive to provide the best protective gear in the security industry to ensure the safety, security and well being of all those who protect us every day. We strive daily to better serve our customers and our community. We offer a comprehensive selection of advanced detection, inspection and prevention products and services to the security industry. Some of our major clients are the Federal Bureau of I

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United States
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    8543 Venice Blvd.
  • City

    Los Angeles
  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code


Profiles nearby Security Pro USA

Streets nearby Security Pro USA

Chariton Street California
Melvil Street California
Cullen Street California
Comey Avenue California
South Corning Street California
Alvira Street California
South Garth Avenue California
La Cienega Boulevard California
Hervey Street California
La Cienega Avenue California