Solair Group

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About Us

Jordan Parker had himself been working & studying Pond & Lake Management and it was back in 2011 that he identified a gap in the industry and so went ahead and founded Solair Group. Through years of research and product development Solair have now developed products and implemented strategies to overcome water quality and biological problems in Lakes and ponds around Australia which has already greatly improved the environment and in turn the wildlife. Solair Group works with land owners and local g

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    65 Dunkley Avenue,
    Applecross, Perth,
    Western Australia, Australia
  • City

  • State / Province

    Western Australia
  • Zip / Postal Code


Profiles nearby Solair Group

Streets nearby Solair Group

Cantray Avenue Western Australia
Lilian Avenue Western Australia
Francis Road Western Australia
Dunkley Avenue Western Australia
Doney Street Western Australia
Coverly Street Western Australia
Davy Street Western Australia
Clydesdale Street Western Australia
Chesson Street Western Australia
Ferguson Street Western Australia