The Hudson

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About Us

The Hudson is committed to providing a truly unique experience for whatever your event needs may be. Built in 1950, our values, attention to detail, and unparalleled customer service, are those of a simpler time that is reflected in every aspect of who we are as a company, even the architecture of our facility! We believe in the power of families, colleagues and friends coming together while providing event space for weddings, corporate events, conferences, parties, tradeshows and more!

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United States
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  • Street Address

    508 S Commerce
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Profiles nearby The Hudson

O The Hudson 0 km
O The Arnold Group 0.29 km
O Vargas Cafe 0.39 km
O Golden House 0.4 km
O Taco Station 0.46 km
O Domino's Pizza 0.47 km

Streets nearby The Hudson

South Topeka Street Kansas
South Mosley Street Kansas
East Orme Kansas
East Lewis Street Kansas
South Mead Street Kansas
South Commerce Kansas
South Eldora Street Kansas
South Rock Island Kansas
East Kellogg Drive South Kansas
East Dewey Kansas