The Malakai Sparks Group

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About Us

Since its conception, The Malakai Sparks Group [TMSG], has had a vision for changing the face of the real estate industry. The mission statement of our company is, “to provide you the greatest Real Estate experience you will ever have”. We believe that our mission begins with always offering honest opinions, being 100% transparent, and achieving YOUR goals; all while providing you excellent customer service and an overall great experience.

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United States
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    1720 Pacific Coast Hwy
  • City

    Huntington Beach
  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code


Profiles nearby The Malakai Sparks Group

Streets nearby The Malakai Sparks Group

Manor Point Circle California
Sandpebble Circle California
Garden Circle California
Shady Harbor Circle California
Surfdale Lane California
Evening Hill Drive California
Summer Breeze Lane California
Country Circle California
West Utica Avenue California
Union Avenue California