Ultimate Spectacle NYC

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About Us

Our experienced stylists help to make the experience less daunting and more fun. Our licensed opticians make sure the frames you pick are in line with your prescription needs. Only the latest and innovative technology in lenses and contact lenses are made and made-to-order, in our lab. At Ultimate Spectacle, we respect the educated consumer and fashionista in all of us!

International Dialing Code For United States

United States
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    789 Lexington Ave
  • City

    New York
  • State / Province

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Profiles nearby Ultimate Spectacle NYC

O Il Valletto 0.06 km
O City Cafe 0.07 km
O Destinée 0.07 km
O Gino of Capri 0.08 km
O Subway Inn 0.09 km

Streets nearby Ultimate Spectacle NYC

East 63rd Street New York
East 64th Street New York
East 68th Street New York
East 61st Street New York
East 66th Street New York
East 65th Street New York
East 62nd Street New York
East 60th Street New York
Madison Avenue New York
2nd Avenue New York