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About Us

Up Fundraising is an Experiential Fundraising, Marketing and Brand Building company. We take face to face acquisition one step further, we build your brand while acquiring donors and leads through an experience with your cause. Our goal is to not only create long term donors, but advocates for your cause that then go back to their social networks and their family and friends and promote your cause, resulting in more donors for you. We create customized solutions to take your fundraising further.Great fund

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  • Street Address

    550 Queen Street East, Suite 145
  • City

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  • Zip / Postal Code

    M5A 1V2

Profiles nearby Upfundraising

Streets nearby Upfundraising

Broadview Avenue Ontario
River Street Ontario
Wascana Avenue Ontario
Old Trillium Lane Ontario
Percy Street Ontario
Fee Place Ontario
Ashby Place Ontario
Old Brewery Lane Ontario
Raffeix Lane Ontario
St. Lawrence Street Ontario