VONES Phone Repair Sydney

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About Us

We observes the increase of gadgets user year by year. We realize the millennium era, each individual has the gadgets. whether it be a mobile phone, tablet or laptop. All Gadgets are coming with the big screen sometimes from our carelessness so easy damage the device. it can happen to anyone , anytime and anywhere. That the reason for us to be present. we set up vones company on 2009 to help people who have a problem on their gadgets by providing extraordinary service , best price guarantee , fastest turnar

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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    Westfield Sydney, Level 5 , Shop 5006A/188 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
  • City

  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code


Profiles nearby VONES Phone Repair Sydney

O You and Eye 0.07 km
O Dr John K. Fung 0.09 km
O Barcellini 0.1 km
O Techwitty 0.13 km
O Techwitty 0.13 km
O Techwitty 0.13 km

Streets nearby VONES Phone Repair Sydney

Grafton Street New South Wales
Spring Street New South Wales
Ann Street New South Wales
Gardiner Street New South Wales
Hegarty Lane New South Wales
Grosvenor Street New South Wales
Junction Street New South Wales
Gray Street New South Wales
Grosvenor Lane New South Wales
Newland Street New South Wales