Windstream Energy

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About Us

Windstream Energy LLC is the sole owner of the Windstream Wolfe Island Shoals Wind Energy Project, a 300 MW offshore wind power project in eastern Lake Ontario. Windstream is also the owner of the largest Feed-In-Tariff contract with the province of Ontario.

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United States
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  • Street Address

    150 5th Avenue
  • City

    New York
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Profiles nearby Windstream Energy

O Bus Tours NY 0.01 km
O Dube, Renee 0.02 km
O NY Loft 0.04 km
O Ikonni 0.04 km

Streets nearby Windstream Energy

Union Square West New York
Gramercy Park West New York
East 22nd Street New York
Madison Avenue New York
East 21st Street New York
Park Avenue South New York
5th Avenue New York
Broadway New York
Broadway New York
6th Avenue New York