Wiseman Mbane Enterprises Pty Ltd

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Marketing tip: longer and well written descritions are better for search engine rankingsThis company is about providing employment tonthe 17million people living with mental illness in this country so that they can have confidence in themselves. this will be done through marketing education of the community about mental illness. Radio and television station will also be used for the purpose. There will. be a Theological School to train ministers who will minister among the Mental H

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South Africa
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3:54 PM
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Address MAP

  • Street Address

    913 nu 9 Mdantsane
  • City

    East London
  • State / Province

  • Zip / Postal Code


Postal Address

  • Address

    913 nu 9 Mdantsane
  • City

    East London
  • Zip / Postal Code


Profiles nearby Wiseman Mbane Enterprises Pty Ltd

Streets nearby Wiseman Mbane Enterprises Pty Ltd

R102 Wilsonia Hani Park Eastern Cape
R102 Eureka Masibambane Eastern Cape
N2 Masibambane Eastern Cape
Masibambane Eastern Cape
Hani Park Eastern Cape
Manyano Eastern Cape