mbali agencies pty ltd

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About Us

Mbali Agencies is a cleaning products company operating from the township of Kayamandi in Stellenbosch. This company was founded to server the women who live below the poverty line. These women would love to enjoy the same level of cleanliness as their rich peers, but they cannot afford the same products.Mbali agencies wants to offer these women these products at affordable prices. Our competition works on the assumption that all customers are the same, that's why they miss this section of the market.

International Time & Dialing Code For South Africa

South Africa
Local Time
3:33 AM
Dialing code

Call & Message

Address MAP

  • Street Address

    4 Mpelazwe Street kayamandi Stellenbosch 7600
  • City

    Cape Town
  • State / Province

    western cape
  • Zip / Postal Code


Profiles nearby mbali agencies pty ltd

Streets nearby mbali agencies pty ltd

Ndumela Khayamandi Stellenbosch Western Cape
Cedile Khayamandi Stellenbosch Western Cape
Mendi Khayamandi Stellenbosch Western Cape
Manyano Khayamandi Stellenbosch Western Cape
Mondi Khayamandi Stellenbosch Western Cape
Asalea Khayamandi Stellenbosch Western Cape
Mengo Khayamandi Stellenbosch Western Cape
Khayamandi Stellenbosch Western Cape
makupula Khayamandi Stellenbosch Western Cape
Nzawundi Khayamandi Stellenbosch Western Cape